Oblongleaf Twinflower


Scientific Name: Dyschoriste oblongifolia

Oblongleaf twinflower is a perennial groundcover native to Alachua County that dies back in the winter. It bears purple flowers and is a larval host for the common buckeye butterfly. It likes full to partial sun and drier soil.

Size: 3-gallon pots

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Scientific Name: Dyschoriste oblongifolia

Oblongleaf twinflower is a perennial groundcover native to Alachua County that dies back in the winter. It bears purple flowers and is a larval host for the common buckeye butterfly. It likes full to partial sun and drier soil.

Size: 3-gallon pots

Scientific Name: Dyschoriste oblongifolia

Oblongleaf twinflower is a perennial groundcover native to Alachua County that dies back in the winter. It bears purple flowers and is a larval host for the common buckeye butterfly. It likes full to partial sun and drier soil.

Size: 3-gallon pots