(Carolina) Wild Petunia
Scientific Name: Ruellia caroliniensis
Wild petunia is a perennial groundcover native to Alachua County. Flowers are a pale purple. The plant dies back in Winter. It is a larval host for the common buckeye butterfly and the white peacock butterfly. It likes sun or shade and soil that is usually moist to soil that has somewhat long very dry periods.
Size: assorted small pots
Scientific Name: Ruellia caroliniensis
Wild petunia is a perennial groundcover native to Alachua County. Flowers are a pale purple. The plant dies back in Winter. It is a larval host for the common buckeye butterfly and the white peacock butterfly. It likes sun or shade and soil that is usually moist to soil that has somewhat long very dry periods.
Size: assorted small pots
Scientific Name: Ruellia caroliniensis
Wild petunia is a perennial groundcover native to Alachua County. Flowers are a pale purple. The plant dies back in Winter. It is a larval host for the common buckeye butterfly and the white peacock butterfly. It likes sun or shade and soil that is usually moist to soil that has somewhat long very dry periods.
Size: assorted small pots